Insight 23 "intersecting viewpoint"
Sadamasa Motonaga / Rachel Adams, Carlo Zauli / Keigo Kamide,
Yuzo Saeki / Takehiro Terabayashi,
Shigeru Izumi / Katsuo Tachi
Nov 30 (sat) - Dec 22 (sun), 2019
11:00-19:00 (sun -17:00)
Closed on mon, tue
Yoshimi Arts
Cooperative gallery | Yagura Gallery
Yoshimi Arts is pleased to present the exhibition "Insight 23". "Insight" is a regular exhibition featuring works by the artists of Yoshimi Arts, and all works are categorized in accordance with the theme of each exhibition. In the 23rd "Insight", the theme is "intersecting viewpoint". And, usually it is composed of the works by the artists of Yoshimi Arts, but this exhibition will include the others.
We believe works of art are formed under the influence of factors such as regional relations and interaction with people. We have selected various artists and planned this exhibition as an opportunity for the audience to reflect on the "intersection" of the relationship between elements such as materials, motifs, and artists that occurred during the time the works were created.

main image|left | Yuzo Saeki 《Portrait of Yoneko》 c.1922 oil on canvas 448×370mm
main image | right | Takehiro Terabayashi 《Voice》 2009
oil, chalk ground, panel 455×380mm(F8)
upper left | Sadamasa Motonaga《Two Backs of Chair》 wood, paint w.27×d.14.5×h.42.5cm
upper right | Rachel Adams 《Leftovers》 2015 MDF, fabric, laser cut acrylic, turned wood, paint 45×40×h.105cm
bottom | Keigo Kamide 《Porcelain Sculpture - Turnip》 2019 porcelain, overglaze color w.9×d.9×h.13cm
Sadamasa Motonaga
Born in Mie Prefecture, Japan in 1922. Participated in "GUTAI" in 1955. Won the excellent prizes of The contemporary art exhibition of Japan in 1964 and 1966,. Won the Japan Art Grand Prize in 1983. Recieved the French award of Chevalier in 1988 and the the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 1991. Died in 2011.
Rachel Adams
Born in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in 1985. MA in Fine Art University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh College of Art. Studied in Italy in 2015. MFA in Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford in 2017.
Carlo Zauli
Born in Faenza, Italy in 1926. Won the Grand Prize of Faenza International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art twice. Died in 2002. Retrospective Exhibiton Tour in Japan in 2007-2008.
Keigo Kamide
Born in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan in 1981. Graduated from Tokyou University of the Arts in 2006. The sixth generation heir of the Kutani Choemon, which have a 140-year history with Kutani ware.140.
Yuzo Saeki
Born in Osaka, Japan in 1898. Married Yoneko in 1920. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 1923. Returned once to Japan in 1926 and established the Association of 1930. Went to Europe again in 1927. Died in France in 1928.
Takehiro Terabayshi
Born in Toyama Prefecture, Japan in 1981. Graduated from Nagaoka Institute of Design in 2004. Completed the Master’s Degree Program, Department of Painting (Oil Painting), Graduate School of Arts, Hiroshima City University. Won the Encouragement Prize of The 6th Koji Kinutani Award in 2014.
Shigeru Izumi
Born in Osaka, Japan in 1922. Graduated from Osaka City Kogei School in 1939. Founded the Democratic Artists Association in 1951. Went to America in 1959 and Became a professor at Fine Arts Department, Osaka University of Arts (~'92). Died in 1995.
Katsuo Tachi
Born in Mie Prefecture, Japan in 1964. Graduated from Osaka University of Arts in 1987. Won the Encouragement Prize of VOCA in 1994. Died in 2009.