5th Anniversary Festival !!
Hana Inoue/Mizuki Kakinuma/Keigo Kamide/Yugo Kohrogi/Shiho Oda/
Haruko Sasakawa/Miki Sato/Takehiro Terabayashi/Shiho Yamamoto
Aug 10 - 30, 2015
11:00-19:00 open every day during the exhibition
Venue | Yoshimi Arts
Yoshimi Arts will mark its 5th anniversary on August 27th.
Thanks to your warm support and continued loyalty, we have managed to reach this significant milestone.
To commemorate this special occasion, we present "5th Anniversary Festival !!"
This exhibition is organized by Miki Sato, the first artist to hold a solo show at our gallery.
Each of our affiliated artists will present works under the shared theme of "Celebration" ("Iwai" in Japanese).
We look forward to seeing you on this momentous occasion.
Yoshimi Arts
This year Yoshimi Arts will celebrate its 5th anniversary. We would like to honor this occasion by reviewing the past 5 years of the gallery's progress. It is also an opportunity to express our aspirations for any future developments.
The Japanese word for "celebration" is "iwau". The Chinese character "祝" can be used to express the word which is a paronym of "忌" and "斎", that have connotations pertaining to auspicious occasions and epidemic prevention. The two Chinese characters that make up the word "Yoshimi" mean "good" (吉) and "beautiful" (美), and the selection of artists will gather in honor of the 5th year anniversary of Yoshimi Arts that embraces these majestic traits.
We are always in pursuit of individual expression. At this exhibition, we aim to depict a new dimension of the world that can be drawn from the word "celebration" to commemorate the gallery who has been creating and transmitting new values.
We hope that these constant pursuits will be felt throughout the course of the exhibition.
Miki Sato

reference imges | from upper-left
Hana Inoue "Sky of orage" Color on paper (pigments, pink foil, silver foil, gold foil, thin Mino paper, hemp paper, panel)
Shiho Oda "Sounds of sky" mixed tempera on white chalk ground, gold leaf, panel
Kakinuma "Piece" mixed media
Keigo Kamide "Bunch of Bananas with Design of Camellia in Black and White" porcelain
Yugo Kohrogi "/ 22" oil on canvas
Haruko Sasakawa "Hollow Fighter" vinyl
Miki Sato "Obitoki" oil, cotton on panerl
Takehiro Terabayashi "Tatami" oil, chalk ground, panel
Shiho Yamamaoto "Sunameri" pigments, paper, timber(Japanese horse-chestnut)
Hana Inoue ≫
Shiho Oda
Mizuki Kakinuma ≫
Keigo Kamide ≫
Yugo Kohorogi ≫
Haruko Sasakawa ≫
Miki Sato ≫
Takehiro Terabayashi ≫
Shiho Yamamoto ≫